Any 40 short hadits easy to be memorized, yes really.. during 6 years in school and we did'nt memorize it. growing as adolescent, after 3 years still can't memorize 40 hadits. by time growing adult join in university, at work, married, have children, more busy, getting old and still can't memorized 40 short hadists.
Masya Allah.. when light coming to you as guidance, at that time you realised, how much time we wasting our time. how much many songs you remember, poem, and others, but we can't try to memorized short words from Rasullullah Shallahu ailaihi wassalam.
Moeslim Identity |
Superiority to Memorized Hadits,
Prophet Muhammad SAW said: "May Allah make radiant face of someone who heard the hadith from us and then he memorized and then pass it on to others .... " (HR. Tirmidzi, Abu Daud dan ibnu Majah dari Zaid bin Tsabit ra).
from Abu Hurairah ra, Rasul SAW said: "Any person who memorized 40 Hadith that benefit from the affairs of my ummah their deen, Allah will raise it in the Day of Judgment along with the scholars. The virtue of a scholar in a compare abid (devout) as much as 70 degrees and God knows how much more distance between one degree to the next level" (HR. Baihaqi in Syu;bul Iman.
from Abu Darda ra, Rasul SAW has asked what limits science if someone memorized, so he included faqih?
Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Whoever memorized for my ummah 40 hadith of cases their deen, Allah will raise it in the Day of Judgment as a jurist, and I become intercessors and witnesses for him". (HR. Baihaqi in Syu'bul Iman).
40 Short Hadits
1. Imaniat
الَدِّيْنُ يُسرٌ
Ad diinu yusrun (HR Bukhari) Meaning: Religion is Easy.
2. Ibaadat
مِفْتَاحُ الْجَنَّةِ الصَّلاَةُ
Miftaahul Jannati As Sholaah (HR Ahmad) Meaning: The key to paradise is prayer.
3. Muamalat
مَنْ غَشَّنا فَلَيْسَ مِنَّا
Man ghassyanaa fa laisa minnaa (HR Muslim) Meaning: Who is cheating is not one of us.
4. Muasyaraat
الَسَّلامُ قَبْلَ الكَلاَمِ
Assalamu qablal kalam (HR Bukhari) Meaning: Give a greaatings before talk.
5. Akhlaqiyaat
علَيْكُمْ باِلصِّدْقِ
‘Alaykum bis shidqi (HR Muslim) Meaning: Should be honest.
6. Imaniat
نمَا الأعْمَالُ باِلنِّيَةِإِ
Innamal a’maalu bin niyyaat (HR Bukhari) Meaning: Every charity in accordance with his intentions.
7. Ibaadaat
الطُّهُورُ شَطْرُ الإِيمَانِ
At thuhuuru syathrul imaan (HR Muslim) Meaning: Cleanliness is the most faith.
8. Muamalaat
مَنِ انْتَهَبَ نُهْبَةً فَلَيْسَ مِنَّا
Manintahaba nuhbatan fa laisa minnaa (HR Tirmizi) Meaning: Who robs people not belonging to our group.
9. Muasyaraat
الْجَنَّةُ تَحْتَ أقْدامِ الأُمَّهَاتِ
Al Jannatu tahta aqdaamil ummahaat (Kanzul Ummal) Meaning: Heaven is under mother's feet.
10. Akhlaqiyaat
Ijtanibul ghadhab (Kanzul Ummal) Meaning: Stay away from bad temper.
11. Imaniat
لا تقوم الساعة على أحد يقول: الله اللهLaa taquumus saa'atu 'alaa ahadin yaquulu Allah ... Allah ... (Muslim)
Meaning: There will come the apocalypse as long as there is thank God
... God ...
12 Ibaadaat
الدعاء سلاح المؤمنAd du'aau silaahul mu'min (Jamius Saghir) Meaning: Prayer is a weapon of the believer.
13 Muamalaat
لعن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم الراشي والمرتشي
La'ana Rasulullahi (saw) ar wal rasyia murtasyia (Abu Dawud) Meaning:
curse the Prophet (PBUH) to the people who bribe and are bribed.
14 Muasyaraat
رضى الرب في رضى الوالد
Ridhar Rabbee fii ridhal waalid (HR Tirmidhi) Meaning: Rida Allah lies in the pleasure of parents.
15 Akhlaqiyaat
لا يدخل الجنة خب ولا بخيل ولا منان
Laa yadkhulul jannata khabbun bakhiylun wa wa laa laa mannaan (HR
Tirmidhi) Meaning: There will enter Paradise man who likes to cheat,
stingy and prize giving.
16 Imaniat
الدعاء مخ العبادة
Ad du'aau mukhkhul ibaadah (HR Tirmidhi) Meaning: Prayer is the essence of worship.
17 Ibaadaat
الكلمة الطيبة صدقة
Al kalimatut thayyibatu Sadaqah (Bukhari) This means: Say good is charity.
18. Muamalaat
المرء مع من أحب
Al mar'u maa man ahabba (Muslim) Meaning: Someone will be with whom he loves.
19. Muasyaraat
لايدخل الجنة قاطع
Laa yadkhulul jannata qaati'un (Muslim) means: Not going to heaven breaker kinship.
20. Akhlaqiyaat
يدخل الجنة نمام لا
Laa yadkhulul jannata nammaamun (Muslim) means: Not going to heaven instigator.
21. Imaniat
اتق الله حيث ما كنت
Ittaqillaha Haitsu maa kunta (HR Tirmidhi) Meaning: Fear Allah wherever you are.
22. Ibaadaat
خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
Khairukum man ta'allamal Qur'aana wa 'allamahu (Bukhari) Meaning: The
best of those among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it.
23. Muamalaat
سباب المسلم فسوق, وقتاله كفر
Sibaabul muslimi fusuuqun wa qitaaluhu kufrun (HR Tirmidhi) Meaning: berate a Muslim is a sin and the fight against it is Kufr.
24. Muasyaraat
من ستر مسلما ستره الله يوم القيامة
Man satara musliman satarahullaahu yaumal qiyama (Muslim) Meaning: Who
cover the disgrace of a Muslim, Allah will cover her shame on the Day
of Judgment.
25. Akhlaqiyaat
ا يرحم الله من لا يرحم الناسل
Yarhamullaahu man laa laa yarhamunnaasa (Bukhari) Meaning: No dear God those who do not love to humans.
26. Imaniat
لدال على الخير كفاعلها
Ad daallu 'alal khairi kafaa'ilihi (HR Tirmidhi) Meaning: People who
invites goodness gets the same reward to the person who invited.
27. Ibaadaat
أنفق يا ابن آدم ينفق عليك
Anfiq yabna Aadama yunfaq 'alaik (Bukhari) Meaning: O Children of Adam Berinfaqlah then you will be rewarded.
28. Muamalaat
أحب البلاد إلى الله مساجدها
Ahabbul bilaadi ilallaahi masaajiduha (Bukhari) Meaning: The most beloved of God on earth is a mosque-mosque.
29. Muasyaraat
اليد العليا خير من اليد السفلى
Al yadul ulya Khairun terminal Yadis suflaa (Muslim) Meaning: The upper hand is better than the hand below.
30. Akhlaqiyaat
الدنيا سجن المؤمن وجنة الكافر
Ad duniya sijnul mu'min wa Jannat kaafir (Muslim) Meaning: The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for infidels.
31. Imaniat
من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
Man tashabbaha bi qaumin fa huwa min hum (Abu Dawud) Meaning: Whoever imitates a people then he would be classed as such the ethnic group.
32. Ibaadaat
من حمل علينا السلاح فليس منا
Man hamala 'alainas silaaha fa laisa minnaa (Bukhari) Meaning: Whoever scare with weapons to us then is not one of us.
33. Muamalaat
بلغوا عني ولو آية
Ballighuw anniy though aayah (Bukhari) Meaning: Convey from me even one verse.
34. Muasyaraat
لا يدخل الجنة من لا يأمن جاره بوائقه
Jannata yadkhulul laa laa man ya'manu jaaruhu bawaa'iqahu (Muslim)
Meaning: Do not go to heaven tetanggannya people who do not feel safe
from interference.
35. Akhlaqiyaat
المسلم من سلم المسلمون من لسانه ويده
Al muslimu man salimal muslimuuna wa min lisaanihii yadihii (Bukhari)
This means: true Muslim is a Muslim survivors other than his verbal
ugliness and evil hands.
36. Imaniat
من بنى لله مسجدا بنى الله له بية في الجنة
Man banaa lillahi masjidan banallahu lahuu baytan fil Jannah (Muslim)
Meaning: Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will wake her home in
37. Ibaadaat
من عزى مصابا فله مثل أجره
Man 'azzaa musaaban falahu mitslu ajrih (HR Tirmidhi) Meaning: Whoever
entertain people afflicted then his reward as those who suffered.
38. Muamalaat
الأناة من الله والعجلة من الشيطان
Al-anaatu minallaahi wal 'minas ajalatu syaithan (HR Tirmidhi)
Meaning: Precautions for the coming of God and the rush comes from the
39. Muasyaraat
لايلدغ المؤمن من جحر مرتين
Laa yuldaghul mu'min min juhrim marratain (Bukhari) Meaning: The believer will not be stung twice in the same hole.
40. Akhlaqiyaat
الصبحة تمنع الرزق
As subhatu tamna'ur Rizq (Musnad Ahmad) Meaning: Sleeping in the morning becomes a barrier rizkiMemorize dozens of songs,there is no guarantee of heavenMemorize dozens of hadith?Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet are two heritage that can not be separated.
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