Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus by John Gray

Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow!!!!

Image result for men are from venus

“When a man can listen to a woman's feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift.
He makes it safe for her to express herself.
The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs.”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus   

“Men are motivated when they feel needed while women are motivated when they feel cherished.”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“‎" when men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom ”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“Because she is afraid of not being supported, she unknowingly pushes away the support she needs.”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“Love brings up our unresolved feelings . One day we are feeling loved , and the next day we are suddenly afraid to trust love .
The painful memories of being rejected begin to surface when we are faced with trusting and accepting our partner's love .”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“we are unique individuals with unique experiences”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“If we are to feel the positive feelings of love, happiness, trust, and gratitude, we periodically also have to feel anger, sadness, fear, and sorrow.”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“Get the love you deserve and gave your partner the love and support he deserves”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and conflict. The secret of forming a successful relationship is for both partners to win.”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“Books can inspire you to love yourself more, but by listening to, writing out, or verbally expressing your feelings you are actually doing it.”
― John N. Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“When a woman's wave rises she feels she has an abundance of love to give, but when it falls she feels her inner emptiness and needs to be filled up with love.”
― Gray John, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  

“Wanita senang hatinya bila mempunyai teman yang dapat berbagi kesulitannya.Lelaki senang hatinya bila dapat memecahkan kesulitannya sendirian di guanya.”
― John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus  



Film Cerita// 90 Menit// Jerman// 2014

Sutradara Christian Bach// PEMERAN Tobias Moretti, Jonas Nay, Stephanie Japp, Hanna Plaß, Ella Frey

Seorang Pemuda bernama Simon jatuh cinta kepada wanita yang canik dan cerdas Verena. Ketika Ayah Simon yang mengidap Skizofernia kumat lagi, Simon menghabiskan seluruh waktunya untuk ibu dan adik perempuanya, tetapi membahayakan hubungan asmaranya yang baru mulai bersemi. Setelah terperangkap dalam situasi yang nyaris fatal, Simon menyadari ia tidak mungkin mengubah hidup orang lain, tapi hanya hidupnya sendiri. 

Hirngespinster merupakan potret cinta pertama dan kesetiaan seorang anak laki-laki kepada ayahnya. potret itu sangat menyentuh dan dibawakan dengan intensitas yang memukau oleh pendatang baru sensasional Jonas nay dan Oleh Tobias Moretti yang telah memiliki reputasi internasional. Kedua aktor dianugerahi predikat aktor terbaik pada Festival Film Bavaria 2013 untuk penampilan mereka yang luar biasa.

*Skizofernia adalah gangguan mental yang ditandai dengan gangguan proses berpikir dan tanggapan emosi yang lemah. keadaan in biasanya dimanisfestasikan dalam bentuk halusinasi, paranoid,  keyakinan atau pikiran yang salah yang tidak sesuai dengan dunia nyata serta dibangun atas unsur yang tidak berdasarkan logika, dan disertai dengan disfungsi sosial dan pekerjaan yang signifikan. Seseorang yang menderita Skizofernia biasanya juga mengalami kondisi komorbid, termasuk depresi mayor, dan gangguan kecemasan.


Feature Film// 105 minutes// Germany// 2014

Director Baran bo Odar// CAST Tom Schilling, Elyas M'Barek, Hannah Herzsprung, Wotan Wilke Möhring

Benjamin is a nobody, an outsider. This changes when he meets the charismatic Max. The two of them couldn't be more different, but they share one mutual interest: hacking. Together with Max's friends, impulsive Stephan and paranoid Paul, they form the subversive hacker group CLAY (CLOWNS LAUGHING AT YOU). CLAY provokes with hilarious hacks and has the finger on the pulse of a while generation. For the first timein his life Benjamin has a feeling of belonging and even the beautiful Marie starts to notice him. What started out as fun soon turns serious, when Benjamin and CLAY are suddenly investigated by the German Secret Service and Europol. With Hanne Lindberg, the leading Europol cybercrime investigator, at their heels, Benjamin starts to realize that he is no longer a nobody, but one of the most wanted hackers of the world. 

Baran bo Odar

Baran bo Odar, born in Switzerland in 1978, studied Directing at the university of Television & Film Munich (HFF). He worked on several commercials, music videos and award-winning short films. His feature debut The Silince (2010) premiered at the Piazza Grande in Locarno and made him to one of Variety's Ten Directors to Watch in 2011. Who am I. Currently he is in pre-production for the action thriller Sleepless Night starring Jamie Foxx and Michelle Monaghan.